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Our annual membership fee is £30 per household. 

Our membership year runs from 1st November to 31st October. If membership is commenced mid-year, the membership fees will be pro-rata'd until 31st October.


Membership provides the following benefits, which we hope you feel still provides you with value for money: 

  • Free attendance for 2 household members at our event nights, held on the second Monday of every month at Cleeve Football Club, Kayte Lane, GL52 3PD (price for non-members is £5 per person). A range of interesting speakers are booked for the next 12 months.

  • Priority booking for all trips and other events for two household members, plus one discounted ticket per trip or event.

  • Discounted plant sales.

  • Other discounts and memberships with local businesses   

  • For the coming year, we are hoping to arrange additional events, such as practical demonstrations and a member only section of the website where you can access additional gardening ‘how to’ videos and advice. 


If you would like to become a member you can do one of the following:


Once we have received your payment, we will issue you with a membership card. 




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